Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Charlotte's Web "Good Things Come out of Bad Things" Olivia Anastasio

I took the skateboard from my friend and started to ride it. As both feet went on the skateboard i started to slide down a hill that is called "Suicide Hill." At first I got it and I was gliding down the hill. The hill was getting steeper and I started to get unbalanced. I tipped of the skateboard and fell on a bent ankle.
The crutches lead me all the way to the front of every line in Six Flags. Being handicap isn't that bad, I thought.

In the book Charlotte's web, Wilbur has many issues from being lonely and to loosing one of his closes friends.
Wilbur was sent to Fern's uncle house after almost getting killed, but he basically went to Ferns Uncle house to get fattened up and killed. The days at Fern's uncle house was occasionally lonely, sometimes Wilbur had Fern come and she would stay there for hours but when school comes she can't come. Wilbur has stayed in the barn for a long time and soon gets very lonely. "There was no answer. Suddenly Wilbur felt lonely and friendless." (27) Wilbur hadn't had a friend there and he had no one to talk to. In this part of the book the setting is raining and the setting really sets the mood so it makes you feel a little bit worse for Wilbur.
Wilbur soon meets a new friend that not only wants to be Wilbur's friend but also save his life. ""You shall not die,"Says Charlotte Briskly." In this case Wilbur goes from being lonely to having a friend that is always with him because she lives right on top of him and she saves his life. A good thing came out of a bad thing.
WIlbur faces lots of obstacles like this. Another one is when Charlotte dies, Wilbur gets all her eggs and is never lonely or have the chance of dying again.
E.B White is showing a great life connection of "Blessing in Disguise." I had to deal with a broken ankle but it had it advantages sometimes, like cutting the lines in Six Flags. Wilbur had to deal with lots of bad personal things but later on they turn out to be good things.


  1. I really love the decription you give when you talked about how you were "gliding down the hill..." i think that just paints a really pretty picture. i also thought that you did a great job giving factual evidence. :)

  2. Great writing it shows you as a person and a student, a wonderfull job
