Sunday, December 12, 2010

Author's Note

           "Neglect occurs when a child or teen doesn't have adequate food, housing, clothes, medical
             care or supervision. Emotional neglect happens when a parent doesn't provide enough
             emotional support  deliberately and consistently pays very little or no attention to a
             child." ("Abuse")

    Neglect usually happens when a parent doesn't care enough for their child. In a child's perspectives it could be difficult to care for yourself or even for yourself and another person, and that's how it is in my picture book. "In the year 2007, 7,120 kids suffered from neglect. 63% said the parents had been neglected when they were younger or have passed experience with drug or alcohol." ("Drug Abuse, Alcohol Add to Child Neglect") Neglect can be lack of care with food, clothes, hygiene, and attention towards child.

   Remi in my picture book has to deal with the situation of caring for herself and for her younger sister Ella. Remi always knew her mom was neglecting her but she never wanted to face the truth, she was lying to herself and Ella. The truth is Remi really loved her mom and didn't want to believe what was happening. Remi and Ella had always been into dance, ever since they were born. When the recital comes up an her mom does come, their mom realizes without saying words that she's sorry for missing everything.

   Truthfully I have had no experience with neglect or abuse. Even when I hear from someone that their parent beats them in a kidding way I still get the chills. Beating and neglect is something that should never happen to a child, I feel it shows the wrong actions to take and teaches their kid the wrong thing and most likely the kid will start to abuse and neglect their child. My friend from elementary school would always come to school saying her mom beats her, and she always said that she was going to call someone about it but she never did. Being my age I didn't know what to do but I hated the situation I was in.

Hopefully everyone soon comes to the realization Ella and Remi's mom had.

Work Cited Page

"Abuse." Teen Health, 1995-2010.      Web. December 12, 2010.      
"Drug Abuse, Alcohol Add to Child Neglect." 
display3152&artno=0000294343&type=ART&shfilter=U&key=abuse&title=Drug%20Abuse%2C%20Alcohol%20Add%20to%20Child%20Neglect&res=Y&ren=N&gov=N&lnk=N&ic=N. Sirs, February 27, 2009. Web. December 12, 2010.
"Child Neglect." American Humane Association, 1990-2003. Web. December 12, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Sorrry about the ending I had to keep typing it cause I thought it wasn't showing up because it didn't show me it was
